Sunday, February 2, 2025


A Neutral Constant.

Time is constant, and has a constant speed throughout all dimensions, universes and even in our precipitation of Heaven. There have to be befores and afters. In order to have any chemical reaction additional to every other kind of reactions. Happened stuff can NOT become unhappened.

Time is a totally neutral entity without physical, chemical or any other attributes. As well as empty Space which neither attributes of any kind. The idea that time and space should be connected and synchronized in any manner is just based on a 100+ years old twisted fantasy.

Time has to be running. Ifnot running?standing still; absolutely nothing are able to happen whatsoever - existence stops.

Saturday, December 14, 2024


Dark Matter

Dark matter does not exist. Neither do dark energy.

They are just science’s tweaked fantasies in an effort to make their fairytale theory about the Big Bang to check out.

Our Universe in that dimension we live in is factually NOT

expanding. It has the size it has either it’s infinite or not. It's larger than we will ever be able to measure. There is no need for dark matter and dark energy to influence what happens gravitationally nor other vice. Though it’s likely that happenings in our universe are sometimes  influenced by powers making their ways through from other dimensions. 

There are likely other major forces in action besides gravitation. And by the way there ar NO gravitational

waves like Einstein made up in his mind. The claimed assertions that science have registered some,

is due to twisted minds and constructional errors.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024



A theory mix of string theory, multidimensions, intellectual powers and spirituality. In short it spans every question a human may have. 

The very Qiforce has its origin in one of those dimensions. As well as abstract intellectual and divine powers which are able to influence people as well as nature. With the infinite variation of the strings vibration speeds there will necessarily be vast differences in elements at atomic and subatomic level. Which likely gives these physical elements infinite different properties and characteristics compared to our dimension’s universe’s elements' properties. l

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


In my mind Science are screwing up our knowledge of reality in the way they twist and turns facts/observations with the aim of fitting them into their favorite theories: Einstein’s law of relativity, The Big Bang, the Evolution and the Creation of Life.

The main theory(fantasy) for how life came about here on Earth is as follows:

Organic molecules started to cluster up in different places in the vast empty oceans. Then suddenly a chemical miracle happened and single celled forms of life popped up.

According to some scientists: this had to happen deep down in the ocean where volcanic eruptions occurs. This for the magma to mix in with the organic clusters and the heat energy of the vulcan to spark the reaction creating the living cell forms.

No matter what: Some abiogenesis processes occurred that produced two sorts living microbes miraculously endowed with multidimensional multi-universal Qiforce. Which became the very basis for the evolution of all and every form of life. 

And in my mind: This shows proof of some kinde of higher power interference in the matter.


Wednesday, July 26, 2023



I never really come across any sensible argument to why traveling faster than light would result in travelling back in time. No rational scientific explanation for why that would occur. And the canonized Space/Time fantasy surely does Not give any reliable explanation. It just claims that time slows down as faster you travel. But you the traveler you would not notice.

This implies that time has different pace in every single object in the Universe as they move around at divergent speeds. Which has to implicate that in the long run one will only be able to observe objects at one’s similar speed – one’s NOW-time. And we all know that that isn’t so. When moments pass by their gone – forever.

All of this is just mathematical blackboard and paper stuff hardly rooted in reality. Nothing of it have ever been empirically proven. Just because some processes in the universe work in ways that allow us to follow them mathematically, doesn’t mean that the universe i mathematically restricted – Quite the opposite.

Why is time slowing down and eventually halting totally as you approaching a black hole? There’s not given any serious explanation for it, just claims that curvature in space/time forces it to happen. So Silly.

And why would you fall out of NOW and start going back in history if you are able to break the speed of light? Like the passed moments of history floats fixed around somewhere.

Time dilution is just a fantasy, doesn’t really happen in realty. Even though science is spin-doctoring some of their observations to claim so. Time will tell it was a Waste of time.


Saturday, July 22, 2023



Universe and the spiritual realm/realms mixed together with Time as an absolute constant throughout everything. Passing by at the exactly same pace always everywhere. There are beginning and ends for all the different physical stuff in the Universe. From subatomic to galaxies through powers, energies and waves.

New technologies have given us ability for new observations and they are poking fun of the Big Bang and the Relativity Fantasies. Which have grown and stiffened into some kind of arrogant political testament among a majority of the scientists. Whose in denial of reality frantically twist, tweaks and spin doctoring all diverging new observations to make them rather fraudulent to fit into their molds.

Totally fake made up subjects are There is No Beginning – It’s Always and Eternal. Kosmos is our physical; the concept of space/time, gravitational waves, an expanding Universe. None of those are true. Other likely  brain spins are Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the postulate that nothing can travel faster than light.

Lately we have had a series of observations of phenomena that according to their failed theories simply should not exist.

In their totally unrestricted hubris the scientist have nonchalantly determined our position within the fantasy imagined spheric shaped realm they decide to be our Universe. While in reality they have no clue on our whereabouts. Are we in the middle? Clouse to the edges? or somewhere in between? There’s just no reliable way they can tell any of this. There’s no working GPS out there.

And the assumption that the Universe has an oval-spheric shape is based on pure speculation. That idea requires that the alleged expansion has happened perfectly symmetrical for 13.7 billion years. What critical minds can buy into that kind of crap? – That is supernatural = Universe is Nature.

Monday, September 26, 2022


   The James Webb Telescope

   Proved me Right.  

So I see the James Webb Telescope has produced proof for the conclusion I’ve been right all along:

The Big Bang Theory has been a complete waste of time. Overdue for permanent trashing.

Now I’m convinced that it won’t be that very long until we’re ready to scrap Einstein's Theory of Relativity

and that ludicrous idea of Time/Space. Tweaking time is over. It’s time to discover and figure out the Real Truth

about The Universe.

It’s about high time to reimagine phenomena like Black Holes, Wormholes, Dark matter, Dark Energy and

so on to expose their real matter. After being allured to pursue 2 dead end Speculations for more than 100 years.

And face it once and for all: Time traveling is None Existent in any Dimension.

The absolute only time travel occurring anywhere in the Future coming to us in a steady Fixed Pace.