Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Just a little apropos in these selfcentered times:

Heaven and Earth are everlasting
The reason Heaven and Earth can last forever
Is that they do not exist for themselves
Thus they can last forever
Therefore the sages:
Place themselves last but end up in front
Are outside of themselves and yet survive
Is it not due to their selflessness?
That is how they can achieve their own goals

Chapter 7 of The Tao Te Ching

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Total wisdom

Total wisdom is too comprehensive to fit 
into just one religion or just science. The huge lines of science is equally much theory and speculations as a lot of religions; The Big Bang theory, The Evolution and so on. There are probably little pieces of truth and wisdom to pick from the whole field.

But the concept of one almighty God does not check out with me. That belief is created only for the purpose of seizing totalitarian power in the world.

There are definitely wisdom in these words by Rumi:
You are not a drop in the ocean. – You are the entire ocean in a drop.

Think about it! – Stay iqqi!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Her comes a new Tao lesson:

Chapter 14
Look at it, it cannot be seen
It is called colorless
Listen to it, it cannot be heard
It is called noiseless
Reach for it, it cannot be held
It is called formless
These three cannot be completely unraveled
So they are combined into one
Above it, not bright
Below it, not dark
Continuing endlessly, cannot be named
It returns back into nothingness
Thus it is called the form of the formless
The image of the imageless
This is called enigmatic
Confront it, its front cannot be seen
Follow it, its back cannot be seen
Wield the Tao of the ancients
To manage the existence of today
One can know the ancient beginning
It is called the Tao Axiom

Think about it - pounder it in your mind - Stay iqqi!