Thursday, December 14, 2017


The Big Bang Theory 

overdue for scrapping.

As I predicted our new enhanced technology provides us with information that totally defies the Big Bang theory. Scientists claim they now have discovered a Super Extreme Massive Black Hole 800 million time our Sun’s mass that occurred just 690 mill years after The Big Bang. But, this is totally unresolveable issue within the main stream Big Bang Theory. According to which its existence should be absolutely impossible. But are the Big Bangers and Einstein worshipers prepared to do the empirical scientific right thing; and scrap the theories once and for all. Not likely. They will cook up some new embarrassing tweaks in order to hold their new Religion together. Because that is what is has turned into: An odd contradictory freak Godless religion where Einstein and Hubble precede as surrogate for the personalized worshiping.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Speed of light

Furthermore you can not cheat death by travelling close to the speed of light assuming time will slow down as a consequence. It does not. Time is still passing on the same pace. And you will not be travelling back in time by travelling faster than light. Even when you do this time will run at the same pace. Why should you? Where is the logic? It is absolutely possible to travel faster than light. In Quantum Mechanics it happens all the time. Mathematically there are no problems with that. We have only been tricked by Einstein’s ideas of Space-Time and the light-speed as an unbreakeable physic constant for 100 years. Seduced to swallowing it by Einstein’s personality, and the convincing amount of elegant mathematics he provided with his idea sale. Non the less it is not true.
Just ponder this thought. You traveled back in time and are hanging around when your dad impregnate your mom with the fetus of you, and later when your mother gives birth to you. The little person born is the baby you. But what about the time travelling you. Who are you then? There can only be one of you; the one just born. Do the time travelling you then cease to exist?

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Quantum Mechanics, Space-Time and more

We are more hopeful when it comes to the theories of Quantum Mechanics to be on the right track to find the real truth. Because this theory opens up for both mind over matter and several extra dimensions which in principle opens up for a spiritual dimension. And in its core it not only allows for the existence of both consciousness and souls but actually hints for an absolute demand for them for all aspects of physics to work properly.
Personally I bet my money on the assertion that within 30 years we have antiquated both Einstein’s and Darwin’s theories. The Space-Time model will be scrapped, as well as the failed law that claims nothing can travel faster than light. Time is not a continuum with space. In fact time is the only constant in the Universe with the same pace everywhere. I am sorry that this will kill all fabulations about time travelling in this universe. But; the truth is the truth. Maybe it will be possible through some other dimensions. Time does not slow down close to dense objects and black holes. You can not cheat death by moving to the neighborhood of a black hole expecting to live close to eternally.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


More gravitational waves 


We find it extraordinary that the scientist seems to be of that opinion that the gravitational waves they claim to have detected in these LIGI facilities, have been travelling in an undisturbed straight line through space for 1.3 billion years. As far as we can understand: The waves have to be bent, distorted and diminished by all the gravitational fields around objects they are passing on their way. On top of that they must have been exposed to interference from similar waves coming from all possible directions through space on their travel towards us. With billions upon billions black holes, neutron stars, and other objects engaged in major gravitational happenings taking place throughout the entire Universe all the time. The Earth and LIGO with it should be peppered with these kind of waves more or less constantly from every direction. Based on this assumption we are baffled about the scientists putting forward their bombastic certainties about all the specifics about what really took place; - the directions, distances masses and objects involved.

It feels like Einstein’s theories through the years have become a Holy Grail and taken on more of a religious like dimension to certain milieus within science. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Knowledge does not 

necessarily foster Wisdom.

I am of that opinion; that the more science reveal about the fantastic mind-boggling connections which exists between the tiniest small to the most enormous colossal and all living things in the Universe. The more convinced I become that there really is some kind of higher force and unfathomable intelligence that is getting it all going. As Einstein himself put it: “God did not play dice when the Universe was formed.” Contrary to the increasing number of godless people who think a consequence of all the marvelous facts humans with its intellect have been capable of unravelling about the existence; is to right off God. I find them all to be intriguing proofs and actually a manifestation of divine interference.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Gravitational waves.

I must say that this sudden detection of gravitational waves in The Universe reminds me a lot of the fairy tale by H.C.Andersen about the emperor’s new clothes. As the scientists beforehand could know absolutely nothing about the collision of the two here concerned black holes. For the simple reason that gravitational waves are supposed to travel with the speed of light and have to be the very first notification reaching us about the event. It is mildly put; extraordinary how much details the scientists have been able to make conclusions about just based on that transmitted into sound; rather lame little fart.
The scientist even claim to know the exact an distinct size of the holes before they crash. How can they come up with that. It is by the forces of nature virtually impossible for them to know that. When all knowledge we can possibly have about the holes have to have been obtained after the two merged to become one.
And what is the speculation about the brightest shine light-blast in the history of The Universe? For Christ sake: It is 2 black holes. They do not emit light whatsoever. Even so when they are colliding and merging.

To me it sounds just like a fabricated story made up in desperate panic to prove Einstein,s and thereby the Big Bang theory. Which have shown themselves unprovable for 100 years, after they were put forward. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Darwinism bye bye!

It baffels me that well educated scientists and a lot of common people still haven’t shaken off the Darwinism after more than 160 years. Its time to come to terms with this vastly elaborate fairy-tale once and for all now. There is still nothing in this theory that is empiric scientific proven to this date.
On the basis of often just fossil pieces of a species, the in their own mind scientists are building a vast evolution puzzle using the empiric methods of comparing, fantasy and assuming.  With the magic formula; “mutations” that’s supposed to explain it all. The whole thing created by a bunch of compulsory categorizing and cataloging disorder freaks. The so called science offer not by any means any plausible explanations for how in an evolutionary way such things as gender and sexually based procreation came about. Nor how these several species involved in life dependent symbiosis possibly occurred, nor how societies like the ants and honey-bees with their queens producing all eggs evolved.
Neither why no abundancy of pre giraffe, pre elephant or pre most species fossils for that matter scattered around. Because when a fossil surfaces that the scientists assume is a pre this or that. They’ve got the logic upside down. Because in reality it is a degenerated outcast of the specie in question, that has popped up, not a successful pre species. That’s why they are so extremely scarce.
Darwin’s theory of evolution has been a seductive and fascinating. But as long as it does not stand against strict empiric testing. After 160 years + it is time to let go and move on.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Chemistry and Qi

Chemistry is NOT life. Life is chemistry also. But, chemistry is not life. Some bio-chemist scientists seems to think that they are able to create life. NOT SO. What they do is just manipulating already existing forms of life. There’s a radical difference. To get life into matter; you need the Qi. So here comes the combination with The String Theory: Qi is the remedy needed by the spirits to put life into matter. Combining and controlling the frequencies of energy and matter, its like the plectrum needed to create the most vibrant tones out of a guitars or the bow to make music out of the violins in the Universal symphonies. An elusive force bordering between the spiritual and the matter/energy existences it is so far as elusive as dark matter and dark energy with which it might be related to. No Qi – no life – its as simple as that.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Hell on Earth

Fighting for Good and Justice should be a priority by every decent human being. A strive to make the Earth a better place. But, unfortunately the Cosmic principle of Karma is unintentionally making Evil slowly but steadily getting the upper hand here. What occurs is as follows: Even thou quite a number of evil souls are sent straight to Hell, and almost all the souls that have earned their way, travels through to a higher and better existence, there are an overwhelming number of souls that are turned back for an extra try on Earth. These somewhat depraved souls have unfortunately for the bigger part a tendency to become even more viscous during their next lifes. Even though a large number of fresh innocent souls are  born, they are not enough to weigh up for the escalating number of depraved ones. So consequently the population becomes greedier, meaner more self centered egoistic dense  generation by generation. Slowly but surely compassion and empathy is drying up as the world becomes more and more Hellish. Just check the totally insanely amount of atrocities that took place last century. And add it up with the development so far in this century and you can see we are well on the track to end up with a literally; Hell on Earth.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Soul

 Now they have scientifically stated that everybody loos 21 gram of weight as you die. Which means; in the instant you die 21 gram of mass disappear from your body. We think that this is a circumstantial proof of your soul leaving your body. 21 gram of mass in energy form with an altered frequency makes it able to exceed the speed of light travelling to another dimension. The souls of the reflective minded creatures in each galaxy travels towards the individual Black Holes in them. 

Then: dependent of your level of enlightenment and your life performance you will be let through this gateway into a higher dimension, you will be turned back for a rerun – most do, or you might even be sent straight to Hell. Modern “western” mind seems for some reason to have developed the idea that there is no Hell. That Hell does not exist. And on that bewildered assumption obtained a selfish and self-centered lifestyle. NOT SO!

Most people have to do a rerun. What happens then is that your soul leave a part behind in the spiritual world. This part contains almost all your memories and knowledge. This is what has come to be known as the collective subconscious. And is in fact your superego and your spiritual helper. For some these memories and knowledge shines stronger through with some individuals here on earth. 

And all of this is perfectly possible according to the Super String Theory.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

 Scrapping the caste system and rewriting 
The 10 Commandments:

But there is one aspect which influences the broader parts of Hindu teachings that is an absolute and total disaster; - the caste system. The law of Karma which we think is close to a totalitarian Cosmic principle, need no support from an elitist suppressing nonsense like that. I know we might offend millions upon millions of devoted Hindus on this. But we all have to face it: The time is overdue to scrap that kind of tainted ideas once and for all.
As we have denounced the existence of an almighty God, more or less a third of the Commandments become meaningless. So we humbly allow ourselves to put forward a suggestion for restoration:
    1.  Respect all the higher spirits. In need of worship; worship the righteous and the good. Your choices and actions in life spur immediate consequences in the afterlife.
     2. Hold aside one day each week in the name of the spirits, to contemplate and rest.
      3.You shall not murder 
      4.Honor your father and your mother
     5. You shall not murder
      6.You shall not commit adultery
     7. You shall not steal
      8.You shall not bear false witness against anybody
      9.You shall not covet
  10.You shall not act dishonest in any way.

Monday, August 7, 2017


But equally important as the 2 previous points is the FEMALE aspect in the spiritual world which we are pretty sure is in no way less powerful and influential as the MALE. And once again it is the Hindu conception and understanding that hit closest to reality, which in our opinion is complete gender balance.

The latter 3 “World” religions were unfortunately turned increasingly macho by its clergy. I mean:: We are now in the 21st century and the average intellectual and academic knowledge among humans are on such a level that those kind of ideas and policies ought to be forfeited on common sense reasoning minds Forced upon people this will only be a source to endless conflicts.

Friday, August 4, 2017


The potential of everything that exists throughout the entire 
existence all dimensions Cosmos and universes has always been 
there. There is no before and after. There is only eternity. It is only 
matter in the 3-dimensional Universes that is influenced by time, as 
they come and go eternally.


There are no Almighty God.

God is not one. There is no; One God. Everything there is are not a 
product out of just one mind.

I am sorry we by this discard the bigger parts of the Middle-East 
Abrahamic religion’s teaching. We are NOT saying there is no 
“Heavenly Father” that is all good. But this higher spiritual entity 
exists alongside a series of other spiritual entities with a range of 
power-levels and mentalities.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Searching for The Truth.

 But contrary to traditional Omnism which shows very relaxed tolerance to all teaching, are our mission to find The One and Encompassing Truth, or at least get as close to it as we are capable to:  We have no illusions about being able to enable the entire truth. But hopefully get a step or two in the right direction. Find some guidelines to the path further on.

In that process;

we will cut out and dispose of what we regard as man-made speculations outside the enlightened moments that are given.  As well as everything which are obvious additions by the different systems clergy hierarchies aimed at just preserving their subduing ruling power.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

 In the realms of Omnism

Now we are ready to start the work of extracting the true religious wisdom and knowledge out of the ancient beliefs and establish a unified belief that also will apply with modern science. We will first just make a coarse sketch on what up to this moment seems to become the main ingredients: A rather strict excerpt of basic 
Hinduism will be sought carefully merged with the String Theory for the creationist aspect of it all. Then it will be added a good dash of attentively chosen pieces of Tao, and Zen Buddhism for the philosophical aspect, some very light picking from the Abrahamic religions and The Old Testament with a good splash of Jesus and bits from The New Testament for the ethics, morality, mercy and compassion.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

String Theory vs Hinduism

The string theory that aims to bind the Relativity theory, laws of Gravity and Quantum Physics together into one vast comprehending truth about everything in the Universe, Is with its element of a 4th and maybe up to an 11th  dimension stunningly close to the Hindu perception of Shiva’s Cosmic dance. As he dances the symphony of this Universe.  

And as such its something poetic about this mother of all religions coming full circle with science.

"The cosmic dance of Shiva symbolises the interplay of dynamic and static divine energy flow, containing the five principles of eternal energy — creation, preservation, destruction, illusion and emancipation."

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Its a matter of making the right choice.

If you want to keep open your possibility for communication with the spiritual existence, you should choose some entities you feel is close to your soul’s desire for approach and worship. Just bear in mind when you choose you most likely would want to end up on the goodness, side considering your after-life. Remember it is a hazard you may have tremendous success in this world and still end up totally on the Evil side. But, it’s a long looong journey to Paradise. You don’t need to finish all that stretch during just one lifetime span. Because sometimes you need assistance from some spirits that have a little bite, to be able to fulfill your goals on this earth. Even when they’re honorable.
But quite a few of us will actually make it here in due time. But as Jesus stated: Quite a few that think very highly of themselves in this world will be surprised and horrified when reality hits in the after-life.
A small diversion for those who consider them atheists on this time: If you from the deepest of your soul can testify nothing supernatural or spiritual has ever come across your way. If so being there’s only one explanation for that. No spiritual entity have found it worthwhile to waste time approaching your spirit. I dear to put forward this assertion: 99.999% of us have a supernatural/spiritual experience at some point in our lives. Why do you guys dismiss your own experiences? Don’t you trust your own minds? 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Heavenly or Absolute Justice

I say: The ideal of absolute justice is above even God. 
Almightyness and absolute Justice are sort of conflicting ideas.

In Jobs Book however in The Old Testament The Lord proclaim his right to be unjust whenever he desires. The Lord is above and greater than justice. So he can do whatever he wants to whoever, and it will according to The Lord; still be right.


That is arbitrariness and is not Justice, - has nothing to do with Justice.
No Paradise is imaginable without absolute Justice for all – even for Gof, gods, Heavenly Forces and Holly Spirits.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Interim sum up:

So where has our collaborations brought us so far. I feel it is the right time to sum up a little. Before we proceed slowly ahead. Cause this matters are complicated and serious, which demands a lot of deliberating.
So far we have denounced there is any almighty force.
We have reinstituted a spiritual Pantheon were several somewhat recogniseable personalized features can be attached to the different forces/Deities and Devils.

 Short list of names will include. Logos, The Holy Spirit, The Holy Father, The Holy Mother, Buddha, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Legion(Demons),  Jahve, Jehova, Durga, Ganesha, Rama, Hanuman, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Akashagonta, Amitaba, Amitayua, Amogasiddhi, Shiva, Kali, Lang Dharma, Mara, serafims(Angels). 

 We actually think a concept of angels or helpers exist. But, they have no wings. Nowhere in the Holy scriptures is it actually mentioned that the angels have wings.
All these personalized spiritual forces are interacting with Cosmos on different levels of powers. Some works on an Universal level, some works locally only affecting human kinds.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


We are all the children of God, appears to us to be just mumble jumble. Our believe is that the infinite souls are simultaneously with the holy spirits. It is these infinite souls yearning for experiencing the matter in a reflecting intellectual way that brought about the humans. 

But, we definitely do not consider any happy altogether one organism New Wave theories to have much meaning, except that many life forms are totally dependent to be in environment with other life forms to be able to exist.

We think that all the monotheistic religions put forward images of mentally extremely self- centered and vain deities, with an almost disorderly demand to be worshiped by man. I mean: Why would someone almighty even care? The God portraited in The Old Testament of The Bible, comes across to us as rather mental in that sense. I mean; take the 10 Commandments: The first 4 commandments are just a repressive dictate for unconditional worship.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Doubts undermining Christianity:

So where do all this lead us? We believe in a lot of these metaphysical or supernormal entities, but we do not believe in religion. As well as we do not think the spiritual entities care much for them either. But they use the religous channels if they think they might serving their purpose – both good and evil.

The biggest problem with Jesus’ teaching is that it does not deliver on its promises. The very most of the people through their whole life never get their prayers fulfilled. 

And the totally good heavenly father, the only one that is all good can not be the same as the almighty God. Because that would be contradictory and inconsistent. Considering all the hardship, catastrophes, plagues, diseases, pain and suffering the Almighty has poured out on human kinds throughout all of our history.

Monday, February 6, 2017


We do not really understand where that feverishly demand in the Christian churches for chastity comes from. Not anywhere in the Gospels do Jesus preach chastity. Raised in the hose of Maria and Joseph, that after him, had at least 7 more children. And by learning this we will assume they enjoyed a rather active sexual relationship. Jesus view on the subject would likely be accordingly.

On himself he recognizes that almost every man has a hard time not lusting for every hot chick that comes by. He acknowledges that marriage might be a too hard a bargain to some.
The Gospels tells us that he encounters a series of women. Even that he like every rock-star had a lot of groupies following him around. We must concede the most likely truth is; he enjoyed maybe more than his fair share. Considering his popularity among the ladies.

We find it very peculiar the celibacy demand for the clergies in the catholic tradition. All the time we know for a fact, according to the Gospels, that Peter who they claim was the very first pope, actually was married.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Breaking with the old traditions.

Christ’s teachings is much closer to the ideas of Zoroaster than they are to the traditions described in The Old Testament and the Torah.
 It is Zoroaster that proclaim the eternally locked war between good and evil. And comes up with the idea of one Holy father as the champion God of good. As well as the understanding that your actions in this life bear consequences for your next exsistence and for the final resurrection and eternal life.

Jesus’ proclamations brakes significantly with the Jews* beliefs and traditions. It is more when it comes to the old prophets sayings and predictions about The Messiah the Gospels refers to The Old Testament. Like for to justify Jesus’ as being him. All of this we believe are put in there in aftermath. Just for this purpose.  For the church’s demand to pinpoint him as the anointed one. 

We do not think Jesus had any focus on or mentioned the old predictions much. If he wanted to disclose his true identity as The Son of God, by simply state; " I am the Messiah."
But he never did that. What he repeatedly stated about himself was; "I am the son of man."   

Friday, January 20, 2017

Christ's relations to 2 holy antecedents.

But, even though we kind of made Jesus our champion of holy men so far in the history, we will not in any way classify our convictions to be traditional christians. We find several problems with the gospels in The New Testament. They are somewhat contradictory. There are things in them we think are added in in aftermath to serve the purpose of the church. Quotes we are convinced Jesus never said or put it like that.

We do not think Jesus died a virgin.

We think its likely he had several sexual relationships with several women.

Towards the end of his life we think he went steady with Maria Magdalena. Who we think was a black beauty from Ethiopia.

Christ probably left Palestine for a number of years to travel the world. This journey took him to The Far East where he got acquainted with Buddhist ideas, as well as he on a longer stay in Iran/Syria got to study Zoroastrian teachings quite thoroughly. Before he made his synthesis and started his life’s mission well back in Galilee.