Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Soul

 Now they have scientifically stated that everybody loos 21 gram of weight as you die. Which means; in the instant you die 21 gram of mass disappear from your body. We think that this is a circumstantial proof of your soul leaving your body. 21 gram of mass in energy form with an altered frequency makes it able to exceed the speed of light travelling to another dimension. The souls of the reflective minded creatures in each galaxy travels towards the individual Black Holes in them. 

Then: dependent of your level of enlightenment and your life performance you will be let through this gateway into a higher dimension, you will be turned back for a rerun – most do, or you might even be sent straight to Hell. Modern “western” mind seems for some reason to have developed the idea that there is no Hell. That Hell does not exist. And on that bewildered assumption obtained a selfish and self-centered lifestyle. NOT SO!

Most people have to do a rerun. What happens then is that your soul leave a part behind in the spiritual world. This part contains almost all your memories and knowledge. This is what has come to be known as the collective subconscious. And is in fact your superego and your spiritual helper. For some these memories and knowledge shines stronger through with some individuals here on earth. 

And all of this is perfectly possible according to the Super String Theory.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

 Scrapping the caste system and rewriting 
The 10 Commandments:

But there is one aspect which influences the broader parts of Hindu teachings that is an absolute and total disaster; - the caste system. The law of Karma which we think is close to a totalitarian Cosmic principle, need no support from an elitist suppressing nonsense like that. I know we might offend millions upon millions of devoted Hindus on this. But we all have to face it: The time is overdue to scrap that kind of tainted ideas once and for all.
As we have denounced the existence of an almighty God, more or less a third of the Commandments become meaningless. So we humbly allow ourselves to put forward a suggestion for restoration:
    1.  Respect all the higher spirits. In need of worship; worship the righteous and the good. Your choices and actions in life spur immediate consequences in the afterlife.
     2. Hold aside one day each week in the name of the spirits, to contemplate and rest.
      3.You shall not murder 
      4.Honor your father and your mother
     5. You shall not murder
      6.You shall not commit adultery
     7. You shall not steal
      8.You shall not bear false witness against anybody
      9.You shall not covet
  10.You shall not act dishonest in any way.

Monday, August 7, 2017


But equally important as the 2 previous points is the FEMALE aspect in the spiritual world which we are pretty sure is in no way less powerful and influential as the MALE. And once again it is the Hindu conception and understanding that hit closest to reality, which in our opinion is complete gender balance.

The latter 3 “World” religions were unfortunately turned increasingly macho by its clergy. I mean:: We are now in the 21st century and the average intellectual and academic knowledge among humans are on such a level that those kind of ideas and policies ought to be forfeited on common sense reasoning minds Forced upon people this will only be a source to endless conflicts.

Friday, August 4, 2017


The potential of everything that exists throughout the entire 
existence all dimensions Cosmos and universes has always been 
there. There is no before and after. There is only eternity. It is only 
matter in the 3-dimensional Universes that is influenced by time, as 
they come and go eternally.


There are no Almighty God.

God is not one. There is no; One God. Everything there is are not a 
product out of just one mind.

I am sorry we by this discard the bigger parts of the Middle-East 
Abrahamic religion’s teaching. We are NOT saying there is no 
“Heavenly Father” that is all good. But this higher spiritual entity 
exists alongside a series of other spiritual entities with a range of 
power-levels and mentalities.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Searching for The Truth.

 But contrary to traditional Omnism which shows very relaxed tolerance to all teaching, are our mission to find The One and Encompassing Truth, or at least get as close to it as we are capable to:  We have no illusions about being able to enable the entire truth. But hopefully get a step or two in the right direction. Find some guidelines to the path further on.

In that process;

we will cut out and dispose of what we regard as man-made speculations outside the enlightened moments that are given.  As well as everything which are obvious additions by the different systems clergy hierarchies aimed at just preserving their subduing ruling power.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

 In the realms of Omnism

Now we are ready to start the work of extracting the true religious wisdom and knowledge out of the ancient beliefs and establish a unified belief that also will apply with modern science. We will first just make a coarse sketch on what up to this moment seems to become the main ingredients: A rather strict excerpt of basic 
Hinduism will be sought carefully merged with the String Theory for the creationist aspect of it all. Then it will be added a good dash of attentively chosen pieces of Tao, and Zen Buddhism for the philosophical aspect, some very light picking from the Abrahamic religions and The Old Testament with a good splash of Jesus and bits from The New Testament for the ethics, morality, mercy and compassion.