Thursday, December 14, 2017


The Big Bang Theory 

overdue for scrapping.

As I predicted our new enhanced technology provides us with information that totally defies the Big Bang theory. Scientists claim they now have discovered a Super Extreme Massive Black Hole 800 million time our Sun’s mass that occurred just 690 mill years after The Big Bang. But, this is totally unresolveable issue within the main stream Big Bang Theory. According to which its existence should be absolutely impossible. But are the Big Bangers and Einstein worshipers prepared to do the empirical scientific right thing; and scrap the theories once and for all. Not likely. They will cook up some new embarrassing tweaks in order to hold their new Religion together. Because that is what is has turned into: An odd contradictory freak Godless religion where Einstein and Hubble precede as surrogate for the personalized worshiping.