Saturday, March 31, 2018

Scientific hypotheses



NASA’s probe into the atmosphere of Jupiter jolts more of the Scientific theories (read fairy-tales) these so called scholars has made up in their minds and presented as facts for decades. A lot of it is simply not true. The planets various gravity-fields and density, undermine the mainstream(Big Bang) theory about gravity being the main force and foundation for the creation and development of the Universe. In fact this actually rips what has been taught out as knowledge about how Galaxies and our own Solar-system came about. When on top of that enhanced technology also seem to pull the carpet out from underneath the creative Dark Matter tale they invented to tweak the observations into their beloved mathematical models. By the way: The scientists use a special word for their brain-spins. They call them hypotheses. But, that does not make them more true, even though a lot of them seems to think so.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Emotions above pure instinctive feelings and reactions have their origin in the Spiritual sphere.

Perceptions like Love, Justice, Fairness, Empati, Beauty, mercy grace generosity and other noble idèas, have their origin here but also negative evil stuff like Hate, envy, retaliation,, reprisal, sadism, gloating, greed and so on, though occasioned mostly from distinctly divergent Spiritual forces often contrasting.These celestial impulses are what resonates in us on a subconscious level not quite tangible for the conscious intellectual mind, but may be immediately recognizable  interpreted through Art. This is the most serious and greatest task an Artist can take on: Interpret and make this communication with the Spiritual World available to the human mind.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Be Smart

Be Righteos...

- for the long run

The self or the soul has the potential to become eternal. If you are good enough: Righteous and magnificent in obtaining wisdom while maintaining great integrity. There are even possibilities to become a pier of the Holy Spirits, - rubbing shoulders with the Deities become a Heavenly Force wielding great powers as an Avatar or Angel.

Contrary there are very real dangers your soul might end up in Hell and even get terminated if you choose to conduct your life towards the Evil Forces. Beware the Amazing Grace has its distinct limits. There is a big risk you may loose your second chance. Worst cases can for a period end up serving The Evil Forces as demons.incubuses and succubuses after which your soul will be destroyed forever.

The first spiritual sphere or dimension consists of a different kind of matter than this Universe. In many ways it might appear similar but it all runs on another frequency from the matter we live in, and thereby able to sift through all matter here without us humans being capable of sensing or registering it technologically in any way so far.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

 Spirits in the Flesh.

 In the spiritual World - The Realms of Heaven if you like, there is an ongoing possibly eternal struggle for dominance and power between groups of celestial Entities. And especially among those who have their primary focus upon the evolvement of mankind amongst whom the war between Good and Evil are fought. As a spirit in the flesh your obligation is to try your best tol live your life to the fullest aligning with the forces of Good, if you are aiming for some Celestial reward.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Omnipotence is NOT 


To me an Allmighty God gives no sense whatsoever. Because the personallity of such a being would have to be totally and utterly Schizophrenic. And in my mind; all worshipping would become a meaningless beg for mercy. There is no Almightyness. There are no fixed plans. There are no fixed faiths. Anything can happen. But there are spiritual forces that can push around on stuff and organize circumstances in your life to positively help you to achive your goals, or negatively counteract on efforts to destroy you. But still we believe in a powerfull force for good that may be perceived as the Heavenly father. As well as we think there is an equally powerfull Heavenly Mother, anf that is not Virgin Mary.