Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Einstein worshippers

seems growingly desperate.

Its a little symptomatic how the Einstein worshippers now desperately claims just ordinary stuff to be proof of his theories.. In their core they know they will not prevail. But are not willing to face it. That a life-long effort will end up in nothing. But the mumble-jumble they presented via ABC News recently is rather pathetic.
In our view big parts of the science community has painted themselves into a corner by introducing the hypotheses  about dark matter and dark energy. With 70% of all matter in the Universe and 25% of all energy referred to as such. How can they at the same time give bombastic conclusions interpreting light which has travelled distances of million of lightyears. That’s just absurd. All the time you can hardly recon any light originated outside our own Solar-system to appear unimpacted by gravitation and energy, and twisted every which way from red-shift to violet-shift on its path.