Gravity not the driving force in The Universe
I will put forward this bold assertion that; gravity is not the driving force of the universe. The gravitational tug on the different bodies are simply not strong enough to keep them in place in their orbits. The masses of everything we so far has detected is just far too small. And why do the objects stay in their orbits for billions of years without being pulled inn altogether or thrown out in outer space? We know that these problems were supposed to have been solved by a substantiation of Einstein’s relativity theories. But I am sorry to say: This is fake science. They won’t stay the ground against empirical scrutiny. Curvature of “Spacetime” locking objects into their orbits might be mathematically intriguing and alluring. But that’s it. The sooner we get rid of this intellectually dead end speculation and starts thinking alternatively. The sooner we can move forward in gaining new factual knowledge enhancing our wisdom.
And more: Like this little thing about gases, we learn in school to be a law of physics that suddenly doesn’t apply in space: That every gas let into a room of vacuum will spread evenly out in the entire space. How is then hydrogen in the enormous vacuum of universe clumping up forming nebulas and stars? When this is clearly breaking the law of physics.
Obviously there are other forces in play - major forces. Forces that are still hidden from detection and observation by human technology, so far. But eventually we will be able to lure out the secrets. It’s only a question of focusing correctly, and following the right path.