Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gravity not the driving force in The Universe

I will put forward this bold assertion that; gravity is not the driving force of the universe. The gravitational tug on the different bodies are simply not strong enough to keep them in place in their orbits. The masses of everything we so far has detected is just far too small. And why do the objects stay in their orbits for billions of years without being pulled inn altogether or thrown out in outer space? We know that these problems were supposed  to have been solved by a substantiation of Einstein’s relativity theories. But I am sorry to say: This is fake science. They won’t stay the ground against empirical scrutiny. Curvature of “Spacetime” locking objects into their orbits might be mathematically intriguing and alluring. But that’s it. The sooner we get rid of this intellectually dead end speculation and starts thinking alternatively. The sooner we can move forward in gaining new factual knowledge enhancing our wisdom.
And more: Like this little thing about gases, we learn in school to be a law of physics that suddenly doesn’t apply in space: That every gas let into a room of vacuum will spread evenly out in the entire space. How is then hydrogen in the enormous vacuum of universe clumping up forming nebulas and stars? When this is clearly breaking the law of physics.
Obviously there are other forces in play - major forces. Forces that are still hidden from detection and observation by human technology, so far. But eventually we will be able to lure out the secrets. It’s only a question of focusing correctly, and following the right path.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Universe is eternal and infinite.

The Universe is eternal and infinite in all directions. There is NO beginning, there will be NO end. There is NO outside. It contains everything that is, has been and will be. Both the supernatural, the spiritual and what we now perceive as the physical worlds co exists through a 5th and possibly, most likely; more dimensions. All the dimensions variably interacts with each other, from all the time, to very rarely during special occasions.and conditions.
Through The Quantum Mechanic we have lately managed to make an ever so tiny bitsy peephole into how this sometimes might work..

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Time - the only absolute constant in The Universe


The so called knowtion; mass increases with speed is also just an assumption. Why would that be? In vacuum? There are as far as I have been able to find; no empiric evidence of that. 
As well as the, intriguing to many; speculation about time slowing down with speed. That at the speed of light it actually stands still. Remember: The same theorists claim time and space are one continuum. So what happens to space at that speed? - Again; the fantasy is NOT satisfactory empirically proven. The atomic clock tests in airplanes in the seventies nor the time dilation occuring in the GPS systems are not adequately convincing. The mathematics are too favourably tilted, in environments packed with possibly interfering factors. And again: why should that be?
So here I will be so daring as to postulate two more absolute facts: The universe is infinite in every direction. Time is the only absolute universal constant. It continupusly floats away at a perfectly steady pace everywhere. It is NOT influenced by anything.  

Insomuch as our level of technology at this stage makes it almost out of the reach for us to observe particles travelling faster than light, thats no reason to dismiss their existence. Because that would be to unchallenged giving in, as to fit into someones speculations, made when our technology was on a distinctly lower level. We are convinced that human kind will accidentally stumble upon a solution on how to hike our technology level significantly. Making us able to observe, monitor and even make beneficial use of them. So far we have detected some neutrinos. So we know for a fact they are around. 
We think that capability to study these particles will be a big piece in the puzzle to make us able to unravel the secrets in what’s now labelled “Dark Energy” and “Dark Matter”.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Dance of Shiva

It is remarkable and quite intriguing when you recon The Legend of Shiva’s dance as an allegory for how the vast powers of the Universe works how spot on it fits. Shiva - the destroyer and the creator - Yin and Yang - good and bad - everything in one and same. How destruction and creation goes hand in hand.
How the legend metaphorically describes the building of galaxies’ solar systems and planets is remarkably similar to what science lately has detected is how the forces in The Universe works. Finally it looks like more and more scientists ever so reluctantly have come to terms with the One Absolute Fact: The Universe is eternal. - Has always existed - There is NO start. - There will be NO end.