Friday, January 10, 2020


Cosmic Truth

Those Big Bang aficionados argues like there was already a fixed laws of nature existing at the time of the singularity. Forcing all developments to happen a certain way. And in a way, they themselves won’t admit; that’s like acknowledging there is an otherworldly super-intelligent power controlling it all.
Because; why isn’t everything just plain and utterly chaos? Why does not the Universe behave completely anarchistic? Why is it at all understandable?

And last but not least: Why does it exist intelligent reflecting creatures able to understand and appreciate the greatness of it all?
The fact that the universe abides to laws, constitutes to me the Cosmic Truth concerning higher powers, spiritual realms and multiple dimensions.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Let us get a few things straight:

Let us get a few things straight so we can move on forward.
The Universe just IS has always been, will always be.
There was never any start. There will never be an end.
It is infinite and eternal.
Time is a universal constant. Ticking away at a constant pace in the complete Universe - actually in the entire Cosmos.
I am sorry, in the name of progress, I have to kill some dreams and fantasies: But time-travelling is just absolute impossible.
The speed of light is NO constant. And have NO linkage to Time whatsoever. Why the H… should it? 
As well as speed has no linkage to time nor mass. Mass does NOT increase with speed and neither do Time decrease with speed. It is NOT like: If you travel at almost the speed of life you have almost infinite mass. Nor is it: That if you travel at the speed of life Time comes to a stand still.
These are pure misconceptions - twisted outcome from the Theory of Relativity, as well as, from the, in my mind; rather schizophrenic idea about Spacetime.
100 years old hypotheses proven to be wrong. Time to scrap. Time to move on.
Further clinging will only be waste of time and resources.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Hoping for more empiric science.

Optimistic for the future I will put forward the prediction that: In this decade the Big Bang theory and the horrendous idea of spacetime will be trashed once and for all. Which will allow us to finally move forward in obtaining substantial knowledge about the Universe and the entire Cosmos.
Frantic fantasies and desperate tweaks to hold on to the faltered theory has popped up though. Like the speculations regarding Gravitational lensing. As the history goes crated by the gravitation of an entire galaxy. There’s no such thing. Why would not all the light beams go just straight through the galaxy It’s no like its one solid body.
Science really needs to seriously rethink some rather unreflected hypotheses. Like the one mentioned here. Which is dead wrong.