Friday, May 4, 2018

Theories and Hypotheses 

not backeb by irrefutable proof


Speculations and Fairytales

To me it seems like Science has become the victim of a severe Black Magic Spell. Especially within the “Big Bang” and Evolution fields. Instead of being honest and admit they have no clue; postulates of all kinds Dark is produced and put forward as facts; Dark Matter Dark Energy and lately Dark DNA and of course Black holes which suddenly have become more common in the Universe than planets and stars. No less than 20,000 Black holes in the center of the Milky way the insane speculation goes.
It is all crap. It is just the mathematics leaning scientists that have lost their ways and ability to critical thinking in the fascination for algorithms, equations, formulas, logarithms and so on. But to cut the chase. Mathematics are NOT physics NOR Chemistry, just a tool to describe how some of it works.
So far I have NOT seen any compelling evidence for why stuff can’t travel faster than light. Or why it is generally assumed that gravity works the same way all over the Universe as it seems to do within our very limited Solar System. Nor have I seen any really hardcore evidence that Black Holes even exists as well as the hypothetical Dark Matter and Dark Energies. It is all just Theories - speculations and fantasies if you like.
As I have claimed earlier: It is more than due time to get rid of the Space-Time fairytale. It is only suitable to distract energy away from producing some nonfictional  groundbraking facts in our quest for the real Truth.

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