Friday, September 3, 2021

Some Scientifically

lies rejected:

A lot of the stuff astronomers proclaim to know the facts around, are just based on indirect observations - or pure speculations on what’s really going on; Here are some postulations that are very weak, illogical and some straight  out contradictory. And some claims put forward without any real explanations and total lack of empiric proof.

Let’s start with light. Originally light was launched as a constant in the Universe, with a constant speed that nothing could exceed. Without any reasonable explanation except the human kinds were then not technologically able to register or detect anything moving faster. Lately we have been able to determine that the speed of light can actually vary. And stuff as big as galaxies can actually travel faster than light, 

Recently science claims to have photographed tweaked light from behind a black hole. Which means that light must have mass since it is pulled by gravity. Followingly according to their own postulate: At the speed light is travelling it has to have infinite mass as well as time stands still.

So how on earth is it able to move through space?

Their postulates fall apart as contradictory nonsense.

The claim that time slows down with speed, is never reliably explained neither how nor why.. And have never been empirically proven any time anywhere. It is just a product of some scientists’ speculations and free imaginations.


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