Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Putting the Messiah Narrative to the test of Truth:

As far as I understand it: Christianity’s essential interpretation and teaching about Jesus is that; God gave his one-born son in the hand of the humans, for them to torture and kill him. And frankly: That appears to me to be an absolute perversion. Who ever as a father would do such a thing with any of his kids if mentally straight?

Christ pleaded with his dad to free him from the task. But ‘God the Almighty the Heavenly Father insisted upon the torture and crucifixion to be executed. In order to be able to rise his son from the dead to show off his miraculous powers. So that every person who learns about the incident and believes in Jesus to be God;s son, will without any question be let into Heaven when they Die. No matter how Bad they were during life. As a poor soul that never ever heard about Jesus is banned no matter how profoundly Good he was during life.

It makes No Sense whatsoever. It just bear witness of a rather twisted mind set.

And how on Earth should these actions make the Globe a Better Place? After 2000 years we now can confirm: They never did - quite the contrary when you consider the Church histories.


Friday, September 3, 2021

Some Scientifically

lies rejected:

A lot of the stuff astronomers proclaim to know the facts around, are just based on indirect observations - or pure speculations on what’s really going on; Here are some postulations that are very weak, illogical and some straight  out contradictory. And some claims put forward without any real explanations and total lack of empiric proof.

Let’s start with light. Originally light was launched as a constant in the Universe, with a constant speed that nothing could exceed. Without any reasonable explanation except the human kinds were then not technologically able to register or detect anything moving faster. Lately we have been able to determine that the speed of light can actually vary. And stuff as big as galaxies can actually travel faster than light, 

Recently science claims to have photographed tweaked light from behind a black hole. Which means that light must have mass since it is pulled by gravity. Followingly according to their own postulate: At the speed light is travelling it has to have infinite mass as well as time stands still.

So how on earth is it able to move through space?

Their postulates fall apart as contradictory nonsense.

The claim that time slows down with speed, is never reliably explained neither how nor why.. And have never been empirically proven any time anywhere. It is just a product of some scientists’ speculations and free imaginations.


Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Lately I have gotten a growing doubt about the scienconcept of Black Holes. I think they’re deadly wrong. Physically and mathematically it does not ad up to me at all. All those holes: several billion years old all of them. Why don’t we find one a year old, or a day old for that matter. I just don’t believe gravity is quite that driving force that science proclaim it to be.

Seduced by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, it seems the vast majority of astronomers have been more occupied to prove this seemingly elegant theory then actually doing critical empiric science basi work. And at the prize of real progress they have tweaked and twisted all kinds of discoveries to fit into this fantasy. Sometimes I wonder if they at all are reading through their own proclamations. Filled with unlogic and contradictions as they are.

The Universe is NOT expanding. It is infinite. What we observe is just masses moving around in this infinite space.That we have observed objects as huge as entire galaxies coming towards us, is clearly contradictory to an explosion kind of inflation.  Time has no start. Time is an eternal constant. The Time/Space fantasy is purely fairytale.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Acknowledging The Higher Powers.

Through all my experiences throughout life; good and bad, I’ve been convinced of the existence of a multitude of higher powers. Who possesses the force to alternate between the dimensions, our physical Universe, the spiritual realms and so on easily. Who can take on any shape or form they want when they present themselves to us. This includes Demons, Devils, God-likens, Avatars, Guardians and Angels. Personally I’ve had close encounters with several with diverse personalities Good and Evil.

I will be as bold as to put forward the assertion that absolute every person, if completely honest with one’s inner selves, has to admit they have felt the influence of these forces.

Unfortunately the majority of the human kind are vain and deftly seduced and affected by the forces considered as Malicious, and Evil. Which tragically characterizes an awful lot of power hungry politicians here on Earth. Causing Atrocities, horrors, and hardships to ordinary people in their power grab.

Again I end up with the belief that the Hinduistic concept of the Higher Powers, with some adaptions comes closest to the Truth. Thousands of entities with their own distinct capabilities and characteristics. 

Quite a few enjoys interfering with human lives. Then we are the only creature intellectually capable in our part of this Universe; to reflect and acknowledge their existence.

Like: its strikingly fascinating how the Quantum Mechanics and the Dance of Shiva may be considered allegorical.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The God described in The Old Testament: hardly deserves to be worshipped.

 God is actually vouching for slavery several places in the Bible. In The Old Testament he comes across having a rather mean and ruthless personality. Letting the Hebrews kill a lot of people when he’s pleased with them. And let other people kill a lot of Hebrews when he feels they have offended him.

Why he picked the Hebrew as his favorites, is never explained. But by that he shows simple Racism towards all other people. Punishing them and robbing them off their land.

God’s choice of role-models for the people seems bizarre. A lot of them are simple crooks. Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon and so on. Murder, fraud, adultery, betrayals. Were there any sins they didn’t commit? And still they were the “Almighty’s” champions.

Then there is the unfathomable atrocities The Lord lashes out on frail struggling people; deluge, the demolition of Sodom and Gomorrah. The plagues, the list is astonishingly long.

On top he demands us to love him unconditionally. And worship him as the only because he is a Jealous God. The concept is like: I beat and torture you until you start loving me. And even after that, to assure you still love me.

Personally I feel I would loose myself if I gave in and bowed down for that kind of Tyranny. The prospect of being confronted with and judged by a force with the characteristics as mentioned when I leave this Planet for the Spiritual realms would not be comforting. Accordingly I have dismissed any faith in this as being the truth.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Unjustified health scares create trillion dollars industries in the US.

I have serious doubts about the sleep apnea theories claiming its causing heart failure and other serious health problems. It is NOT empirically and clinically proven. They’re all based  on interpretations of statistics with a blind eye towards the very plausible possibility of plain coincidental cooccurrences without any direct connections.

Why should altering your heartbeat rhythm be life threatening when you sleep, when its concluded healthy and life prolonging when you are awake working out or doing sports. The sleep apnea problematics is especially emphasized in the US. I suspect that the healthcare industry, which is a multi trillion dollar industry in the US and is dependent on selling their services, medicines and equipment. Wants to create dependency and addictions to milk the patients for huge sums.

With millions upon millions treated for sleep apnea in the US. It has absolutely zero effect on the major cause of death; heart disease. Which is actually growing year by year.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Reflecting light from behind a black hole.

This is just another tweak attempt from the Einstein lobby in science: I mean: Who are we here on the next to totally insignificant little planet Earth. To decide what is the back side of a black hole? That’s obviously just seen from our angle to it. From everywhere else in this three dimensional Universe it will necessarily be different. Which means that the warping or bending of space will have to be similar from all angles and thereby should cancel each other out. 

This is just another desperate tweak attempt front the Einstein worshippers to prove the not provable Theory of Relativity. There is just NO physical connection between time and space. That’s only a hypothesis(read fantasy) which actually is not true.

Just like with the infamous LIGO claimed Gravitational Waves which we don’t hear much about anymore.

In my mind: Its about high time the Theory of Relativity gets declared dead once and for all. We need to move on.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 The Ba's/Soul's journey after life.

As the Qi is shut down its forced to release the Ba - the core soul - the you, and it leaves the deceasing body a selection of higher powers steps in and decides the course of its journey.

Its very possible that the BA will perceive these powers in personalized shapes. Because this session appears to be the individual Ba’s encounter to what several religion and faith systems name as “Judgement day”. Here the Ba’s destiny is decided in direct relation to your Earthly performance.

Now rewards and punishments are handed out accordingly, in guidance of the most high concept of justice and fairness, also known as Karma, encompassing all conscious reflecting creations anywhere.

Don’t be fooled! Hell really do exist. Would be a smart move trying to avoid a trip in there.

As Tom Robbins put it: “Every day is Judgement day. Always has been. Always will be.”.

Friday, June 11, 2021

 Awfully close....

.. but not quite.

After a very close encounter with death, relating to an almost 2 weeks stay in the hospital Emergency and
Intensive Care units, I feel a desperate urge to try finding a higher meaning and purpose with life . Like: If The Lord told me he saved me for a reason. Showed me a purpose to pursue or something like that. But no - nothing. I am equally confused now. I felt betrayed though. I have always thought I had some guardian higher power, like a guardian angel looking after and sheltering me. At least it gave me clarity about that was not so.

On the other hand I definitely felt the presence of demonic evil forces entwining into my faith’s outcome as they have negatively affected our lives for years.

But the only thing I felt when I started to come to senses was total bewilderment. Like I fell out of absolute darkness. Hitting a word written on the ground in white letters that I cannot remember anymore - no traumatic horrors - no harmonious Paradise. 

Not much wiser after the dreadful experience. It made me realise that my time is limited and there’s so much I would like to find the answers to before I have to go.

All I know is:I’m not ready yet. Not even close to know what I need to know.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

The part of you that never dies

Reincarnation in some form or system is most likely to exist. The energy of the sole - the Ba can travel through the Universe as well as the spiritual world. The Ba is like the entire Cosmos eternal - without start nor end. Its just being. 

The Ba is an energy bundle consisting of photons and energy strings organized in a very special way which is the core you. And in the free - not attached in a biological body, it is able to adjust its frequency level in order to pass between the different parallel universes that exists. Even the one in which everything is spiritual.